Saturday, April 28, 2007


so I guess I got through that week. I suppose. I am still living and breathing and sitting here drinking green tea. Hilarious, in fact, that I applied to college, got audited, stopped drinking coffee, paid my 2006 taxes, my boyfriend implied that I might grow up to be a bag lady, and my ipod died of corruption, all in the span of about a month, culimnating in one weekend we went on a rainy vacation. Horrifying. And all that without any extra money to throw around as shopping therapy. Goodness! I know, you're all sitting back and saying my my, how does she do it? If only you saw my medical bills! But seriously, folks, I'd like to give a shout out to my therapist for helping me not run right off the rails the last little while of my life. But now it's getting warmer, someday I will hear about my future as it pertains to fashion school, the boyfriend seems to want to have actual conversations, I'm realizing I can't just will him to say the things I want him to, the taxes are getting paid, I'm tightening my belt. And my birthday's right around the corner! It's looking up? Thank god that month is over.

1 comment:

Ali and Evan said...

I got you a birthday present and it's perfect. If I do say so myself. XOXO