Monday, June 11, 2007

back in the saddle again

Not home from vacation twenty four hours and already my jaw feels like I've been crushing walnuts with it.

So yeah, the vacation was fantastic. We camped at a hilarious campground with some old people in their campers, some of whom sat in screened tents and watched dvds. Hilarious! We had fires and ate s'mores and I learned how to use the camp stove. Which is, in fact, that easy, but how was I to know? My parents told me to stay away from the stove because it was very dangerous, and then they never told me otherwise. Ah, when in doubt, blame the parents. Very smart, very smart. And we went on some beautiful hikes and all the way to the top of Mt. Rogers (the highest point in VA), and got good and sore and saw wild ponies and hiked back down and slept in a tent about the size of a womb. Really the only downside (apart from our kind of silly campsite) was that my intestines decided to f everything up last week, so I wasn't exactly the happiest camper in the world. I guess something has to go wrong, and that was it.

Then off to the farm and saw the boyfriend's whole family, which was lovely as always. A couple hours of watching the cutest 5 year old in the world shoot arrows and then trick me into going and picking them up. Good times.

And now I'm back, to focus on fun things like moving and new health insurance and applying to school. Eeek!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

rainy sunday

I had a dream this morning that we were in upstate new york looking for my sister and some very strange friends of hers, and we had to camp at a trailer park, and it was raining and we hadn't brought a tarp for the ground. ugh. we were going to get all muddy.

Meaningful? I doubt it. I slept late and woke up with only the sheet on and the fan blowing and it was raining outside. I love how physical sensations create whole plot arcs in dreams.

And now the constant decision, should I clean or should I sew. Or should I go shopping. Each of them helps me in their own ways, and each is frustrating too. Do I have the patience to work on a new dress pattern? If I start to clean the house will I want to strangle the boyfriend when he gets home? Do I have any money/will I feel totally guilty coming home with new clothes, books, etc.?

I think what I really want to do is cook. Plan a menu, go to the organic butcher and talk about cuts of meat, splurge on the expensive salami, work on a new recipe. At the end of the day have something beautiful and new and also deliciously rewarding.

So okay, maybe it will have to be a skirt instead.