Thursday, April 12, 2007

i've got the crazies

Here's an apology to all the people who have to speak to me this week: Oh my, I'm so sorry. I'm a total loony bin. It won't go on for much longer.

The pressure! I want to know how other people deal with it. Yoga, really? Beer? Punching things? Deep breathing? Sex? Yeah, I could probably use more of all of that. But I don't have time! I'm too stressed out! Taxes, dresses, drawings, leaky roofs in the middle of the night (thank you for dealing with that, piece). I'm too wigged out to even appreciate the fact that a raccoon tried to break into our house last night. Which was, by the way, hilarious in retrospect.

And what's that coming around the bend? Oh, hey, period. Cool, you always make me feel so calm and rational. Everything's coming up roses.

Next Tuesday, man. Everything's going to be better.


Ali and Evan said...

Positively adorable, you are.

Ali and Evan said...

I hope everything is better by now.