Sunday, June 3, 2007

rainy sunday

I had a dream this morning that we were in upstate new york looking for my sister and some very strange friends of hers, and we had to camp at a trailer park, and it was raining and we hadn't brought a tarp for the ground. ugh. we were going to get all muddy.

Meaningful? I doubt it. I slept late and woke up with only the sheet on and the fan blowing and it was raining outside. I love how physical sensations create whole plot arcs in dreams.

And now the constant decision, should I clean or should I sew. Or should I go shopping. Each of them helps me in their own ways, and each is frustrating too. Do I have the patience to work on a new dress pattern? If I start to clean the house will I want to strangle the boyfriend when he gets home? Do I have any money/will I feel totally guilty coming home with new clothes, books, etc.?

I think what I really want to do is cook. Plan a menu, go to the organic butcher and talk about cuts of meat, splurge on the expensive salami, work on a new recipe. At the end of the day have something beautiful and new and also deliciously rewarding.

So okay, maybe it will have to be a skirt instead.

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