Monday, February 19, 2007

laws of the land

So I spent a lot of yesterday gearing up for tax time. This feels exactly like when I tried to do an entire year's worth of latin translations the night before they were due. And I did them, but did they end up in real human sentences? I really doubt it.
So, like, I'm "doing my bookeeping" but it's totally nonsensical. And about every fifteen minutes I picture the IRS descending on my house and hauling me away in chains and making me sign a piece of paper that says I will never try to do this on my own ever again. Which, hey, would be a great idea! Not doing this myself! But as it turns out I'm way too embarassed to go to a professional and say hey, I only make 150 dollars a month from this business, but I can't keep track of even that. I also needed to think about this in August, not late February. But in August I was thinking about how all my melons got stolen, so I was kind of busy.

Well, back to the grindstone. I hope you all write me when I'm in jail.

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